Ping pcap wireshark niagra falls
Ping pcap wireshark niagra falls

ping pcap wireshark niagra falls

Of course you will need some script (Perl, Python or whatever you speak fluently) to extract and calculate that. Then take the time stamp of both (here frame.time_relative) to calculate the RTT. As you can see, you will find the necessary information in the output (IP Adresses, ICMP Identifier and Sequence number) to match those two frames. Frame #11 is the TIME Exeeded for that ECHO Request. Wireshark (tshark) will also dissect the ICMP ECHO Request header within ICMP Time Exceeded. :/tmp$ tshark -nr icmp.pcap -T fields -e frame.number -e frame.time_relative -e ip.src -e ip.dst -e icmp.type -e de -e icmp.ident -e q -E separator=\ -E header=y Take a look at the following output of tshark

Ping pcap wireshark niagra falls